Tuesday, June 3, 2008


well, today i had a wonderful suprise of being on the tech's end of a sale. we got a job and went over and started to install it. well the wires were all messed up and then the phone went out and the ladies son came over and started to yell at us and moan about how it was taking so fetching long. so he decided to call adt and ask them if we were with them after the fact that we told him we weren't and that's when all the cuss words in my mind started. he thought his mom was conned but whatever, so we stopped and took everything out and that's about it. so we thought, then the cops came and questioned us and all they could say was, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the contract and what not so it's bull. we were almost done with the job too but then we left and I was mad the whole night. grr those adt folk. well, now I am offically a tech and will get some jobs and training tomorrow. I am excited for that cause nothing can be as bad as today.

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